We believe our entire business model makes us different from the vast majority of money managers. We have built Capco around a “no compromises” attitude:
We invest our clients’ money in the same way we invest our own.
We have our entire investable net worths invested in Capco Partners, Ltd. and related separate accounts, so our own money is invested in the same fashion as our clients. We invest without the artificial constraints that are often adopted for marketing purposes: we are free to invest in companies of any size, large or small, to invest in equity or debt and to hold cash when we can’t find intelligent investment ideas. We are not attempting to ‘track’ any particular index. We do not offer multiple products in an effort to always have something to sell. We seek only to make one good investment decision at a time. Our concentrated portfolio is consistent with this highly selective investment approach.
We have eliminated distractions to our research and analysis.
We believe our time is best spent on investment research and analysis. To that end, we have invested heavily in software and carefully structured our operations to streamline administrative functions and to eliminate operations from our regular day to day activities.
We have structured the business to act as a good fiduciary partner to our clients.
We hold ourselves to the highest fiduciary standard. We demand it of the companies we invest in, and it is the standard we hold ourselves to. We have aligned our interests with yours by investing our money in the same way we invest yours. We offer our limited partners a choice that is unique to the best of our knowledge, to pay either a base fee or a share of the profits, which compares favorably to the typical hedge fund charging both. Similarly, we are unusual in our adoption of “tax lot layering” in the partnership, which allocates to each partner only the taxable gains and losses associated with that partner’s actual investment experience. This method is far superior to the pro-rating used by mutual funds and the aggregation and stuffing method used by most hedge funds. As the management company, we choose to bear expenses that many firms shift to their clients. We do not overpay for trading commissions in order to receive “soft dollar” rebates, which many managers use to shift overhead expenses to their clients. And we take pride in the way that we report to our clients, which we are confident compares favorably with virtually any manager. We make decisions with a focus on behaving as your partner, and prize the long term relationships we have with each client.